Wednesday, March 03, 2004

National Geographic and Discover Channel

If you ever want to learn about life and living, the best source are the two TV Channels - National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. Follow this two channels and one would have abundant wisdom,insights and intelligence.

What does that mean. Well simple. I haven't done anything since last evening other than toggling between these two channels watching the lions and the crocs devouring other tame animals.

Quite a few lessons. (Inferences are in brackets)

1. The Zebras and the Deers who venture out and don't stick to the group, are the easiest prey, ambushed at the earliest. (The nature does'nt really seem to encourage black sheeps. There's definitely strength in numbers.)

2. The young ones and the recently born are the most vulnerable. If seen and noticed, almost all the wild animals prey on them immediately. Simple to hunt down with minimum effort, painless and uncomplicated chase and instant reward. (Everyone is lazy and prefer instant gratification. Given an option nobody wants to work hard. Also, if you come across hard working people, maybe it's because they aren't smart or usually they are too idealistic).

3. The lion with his pride usually welcomes Nomad* straightaway (Never want to miss an opportunity), but shuns the cubs instantly and reacts as ferociously and violently as possible, to scare or injure the young ones. (Draw your own inferences). Of course you'll never find other lioness within the pride encouraging the nomad. Also the nomad never would abandon it cubs, it would simply walk away from the Pride and continue to wander. (Again Draw your own inference) * Lioness with cubs and without a lion

4. The Male Antelope during the mating season, throughout the day just does two things, chase other males its' competitors and goes around sniffing the females to see if they are ready. Throughout the day, out and out, all it does is this. No food, no rest, nothing. It has to constantly reassure itself by fighting and driving away other males and keep his females in check. Fighting also results in injuries etc.T hey do this for few days. By the time, the right time comes, the male is totally exhausted, completely done. Yet, somehow it manages to find the right energy, at the right time, it proceeds to mate with 12-15 females and then that's it. Well, it's also recorded that there isn't anything called 'Orgasm' among these animals. You might just wonder, was it all worth it, seeing the male antelope struggle so much. But then that's the way it is. They thoroughly enjoy that and go on doing that every season. (The struggles will never end, the results might/might not match the expectations, but then enjoy the struggle. It's only among the humans you see people run away to Ashrams and so called take Spiritual Solace when they aren't able to cope up with the business of survival. The key is that Struggle is constant and unabated, so just enjoy. Nope I, at no point say no to Spirituality, but the point here is when do one turn to Spirituality.)

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