Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Alchemy of Desire - Tarun Tejpal

As written on the covers of the book, this one is truly written from within the skin of India, this book has two stories set in different eras. The story set in the contemporary India is far more interesting and easy to relate to. Good first book. The narrative, the setting , language and the occasional chaste 'Punjabi Gali's' makes it verrrry plausible, it's refreshing, has no pretensions, this book's a good read. You need to have lived in India for a period of time, more so if you seen and experienced 80's and 90's, then it's all the more pleasurable.

The only problem that I have with this book is the 'Erotica' in the first part of the book , which I find mostly crassy and it promptly manages to break the narrative all the time. I was forced to skip paragraphs here and there as I didn't really have patience to read through the protagonist's relentless desire for his lady/wife - FIZA.

Fiza seems to be a nice choice of name, it kind of grows on you.

Tarun Tejpal is the man behind the Delhi based newspaper 'Tehelka', they rocked the NDA govt few years back, and became hugely famous, for their - as know in journalistic parlance, Sting Operation. They caught the then BJP Party Chief and some Defence officials accepting bribe On-Camera which then was repeatedly telecast on Prime time TV. I guess this book was written when the Tehelka team were hounded by the existing Govt and the Defence officials and their nexus threatened them for a long time. I guess they almost went out of business too.

I have never ever read/known VS Naipaul's kind words for Indian Authors, so am bit surpised to read his endorsment for this book.

'At last - a new and brilliantly original novel from India'

I hope it's not something to do with the presence of V.S Naipaul in the Advisory board of the Newspaper/Magazine - Tehelka. Just being bit mischeivous. All this happens. Everything, these days can be stage-manned.

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