Thursday, June 30, 2005

Life of PI - Yann Martel

Shraddha had gifted me this book a year back and I had read half of it at that time, but somehow stopped it for reasons unknown. Re-discovered the book this time and I thoroughly enjoyed reading and finishing it. I couldn't keep it down till I finished it. The middle portion of the book, when the actual adventure of Pi Patel begins is exciting, to say the least.

The story is about a boy named Pi Patel, Piscine Patel, son of a Zoo Owner, who along with his family and few animals migrate to Canada from Pondicherry. While travelling the ship breaks down and drowns, wiping everybody out except Pi Patel, a Zebra, a Hyena, an Orangutan and a wild Royal Bengal Tiger. After few days out on a life boat, the hyena kills and devours the Zebra and the Orangutan, the Tiger in turns kills the hyena and eats it up and then the unusual adventure of Pi Patel begins. The premise of the book is highly imaginative, skilfully written, witty at times and great fun to read.

Imagine completely drifting in the sea and manage to survive for 220 odd days in al ife boat with few rations, out in the Pacific Ocean with nobody but a wild Tiger for company. Outrageous to stay the least, it's almost fairy tale like story is what makes it a great read . Truly an out-of-the-box, creatively satisfying book, obvious that the premise is unbelievable, btu the author's tyle of writing and story telling makes you want to believe the story.

The first part of the novel is about PI's childhood and teen years and it is here when the author is at his hilarious and creative best.

The second section is about the survival of Pi at the Sea for 220 odd days with only the Tiger for company.

The author then manages to finish the story by challenging the readers to disbelieve the whole story.

There are some glaring factual errors, quite apparent that the author has limited knowledge about India and Indians, there is a Muslim Priest who's name is - Suresh, the story seems to be about a South Indian Boy, the surname 'Patel' is an out and out Gujarathi one. There is nothing remotely Gujarathi about Pi Patel.Of course there are enough Gujarathi's who live in Southern part of India and have quite a bit of Tamilian traits. I would know better. I am a Gujarathi who has lived a large part of my life in Tamilnadu and I am more like Tamilian in lifestyle, food habits and taste but at the same time have retained quite a bit of Gujarathi in me.

There are plenty of Patels in North America - Canada, US. The author while writing this book might have been searching for a Indian name, might have looked up at the Telephone directory, would have seen plenty of Patels in the list and thought well let me have this surname for my character. ;-0)
Even I have a right to imagine...

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