Monday, August 24, 2009

Cricket Statistics

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics, thus spake someone.

Over countless evenings, the argument stands unresolved. Friends who share my passion of cricket, know what I am talking when I say "unresolved".

Here's one more set of interesting numbers - Eight Aussie Centurion to Two English one's, top 3 wicket takers in the series were Aussies and they also lead on all other parameters this Ashes series, yet they lost 2-1. Anyone who looks at the stats, would infer Australia would have won the series, how very wrong.

Anyone who maintains that scoring 10,000+ runs and innumerable centuries is what makes a winner, is so grossly in the wrong. Faulty and flawed interpretation just to suit the arguement. Here I go, I said it, there's never been merit to that, the numbers were thrown at me, just to suit one's point of view.

That's what numbers are meant for, eke them out to fit and misguide. ;0)

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