Sunday, August 01, 2010

Baby in Mama's stomach

Finally the question as I was expecting for quite some time was posed by my daughter - But how did the baby come in Mama's stomach. It was a while before she posed this question, almost 3 months later after she heard it from the doctor. So far she has not really shown any concerns whatsoever, concerns about how are we going to divide our time between them. I guess, that would happen once the second one is around.

Another question that stumped us - How did you know I was a girl when I was born ? Did I have earrings on me ?

1 comment:

Jean said...

I don't know how I missed this post, I saw the one after that too. :)

Great news, and yes, expect more queries soon! My son is still in the throngs of "how he emerged from Amma's tummy". :D